Understanding Presale and Public Crypto Sales: Exploring the Dynamics of Token Offerings

Understanding Presale and Public Crypto Sales: Exploring the Dynamics of Token Offerings


In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, token offerings have emerged as a significant means of raising funds for projects and startups. Two primary types of token sales, namely presale and public sale, play a pivotal role in attracting investment and fostering community engagement. This article delves into the nuances of presale and public crypto sales, shedding light on their characteristics, benefits, and potential risks.

Presale: A Strategic Prelude

Presale, often referred to as a private sale, represents the initial stage of a token offering where a limited number of tokens are made available to a select group of investors before the public sale. This exclusive phase is characterized by several key features:

  1. Strategic Partnerships: During the presale, projects aim to secure strategic partnerships with influential investors, venture capitalists, and institutions. These partnerships not only provide financial backing but also lend credibility to the project, attracting more investors during subsequent stages.
  2. Discounted Rates: Participants in the presale often benefit from discounted token prices compared to the public sale. This incentivizes early investment and rewards early supporters of the project.
  3. Lock-up Periods: To prevent immediate selling and promote long-term commitment, presale participants may be subject to lock-up periods. These periods restrict the transfer or sale of tokens for a predetermined duration.
  4. Limited Availability: Presales typically have a cap on the number of tokens available, ensuring scarcity and potentially driving demand for the token.

Public Crypto Sales: Embracing Wider Participation

Following the presale phase, the project moves on to the public sale, which involves offering tokens to a broader audience, including retail investors and the general public. Public sales come in different forms, such as initial exchange offerings (IEOs), initial coin offerings (ICOs), and security token offerings (STOs). Here are some key aspects of public crypto sales:

  1. Accessibility: Public sales aim to democratize access to investment opportunities by allowing a wider range of individuals to participate. This inclusivity promotes community engagement and decentralization.
  2. Regulatory Considerations: The regulatory landscape for public sales varies across jurisdictions. ICOs and IEOs have faced scrutiny due to concerns about investor protection, fraud, and compliance with securities regulations. STOs, which are backed by tangible assets, often involve more stringent regulatory requirements.
  3. Community Building: Public sales provide an avenue for projects to build a dedicated community of supporters and enthusiasts. Community engagement can contribute to the project’s success by fostering brand loyalty and encouraging ongoing participation.
  4. Market Dynamics: Public sales can introduce tokens to the broader market, potentially leading to price discovery and liquidity. However, the influx of tokens into the market can also influence token value, requiring careful management by the project team.

Both presale and public crypto sales offer distinct advantages and challenges. For investors, it is essential to conduct thorough due diligence before participating in any token sale:

  1. Research: Investigate the project’s whitepaper, team credentials, technology, and use case. Assess the project’s viability and potential for long-term growth.
  2. Transparency: Look for projects that prioritize transparency and provide clear information about their tokenomics, roadmap, and future plans.
  3. Legal Compliance: Ensure that the project complies with relevant regulations in your jurisdiction. Unregistered securities offerings can lead to legal complications for both projects and investors.
  4. Vesting Schedules: Understand the vesting schedules and lock-up periods associated with presale tokens. Consider how these mechanisms may impact token liquidity and price dynamics.


Presale and public crypto sales represent integral components of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, enabling projects to secure funding, engage communities, and bring innovative ideas to fruition. While presales offer strategic advantages to early backers, public sales embrace wider participation and community building.

Both avenues, however, come with their own set of risks and rewards that demand careful consideration by both projects and investors. As the crypto space continues to evolve, understanding the dynamics of these token offerings is crucial for making informed investment decisions and contributing to the growth of this transformative industry.

Peoples Bank of China begins trials for offline digital yuan payments

Peoples Bank of China begins trials for offline digital yuan payments

Key Points

  • The Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) has started trials for their digital Yuan on offline payments.
  • The offline payments program will involve the use of SIM Cards.

Peoples Bank of China has started trials for its plans to allow users to make phone payments using the new digital Yuan without internet connectivity. One of the key parts of the plan is integrating the e-CNY app with specialized SIM cards with near-field communication capabilities.

Peoples Bank of China heads trials on settling offline digital yuan payments via sim cards

The e-CNY was launched in 2022 and has struggled to gain usage. However, the Peoples Bank of China is still working on it as it has already gained widespread usage, though slowly. Instead, it is increasing its efforts to make it more user-friendly and accessible.

It announced on July 10 that it has partnered with China Telecom and China Unicom, a major telecommunications operator in the country, to commence trials on offline SIM card-powered e-CNY money transfers.

The People’s Bank of China plans to allow users to easily access the digital Yuan and use it anywhere without many obstacles. In the social post, the bank said

“On July 11, Peoples Bank of China, China Telecom, and China Unicom will jointly launch SIM card hard wallet products on the digital renminbi APP, realizing another innovative achievement in the cross border of finance and communication and providing more universal and convenient payment for digital renminbi applications way and experience.”

The post also added that the product would be launched soon in some pilot areas, and invited users could experience it. It added that at the pilot testing phase, only Andorid-powered phones with NFC function would support the new SIM card hard wallets.

Keep watching Fintech Express for more updates on this and other fintech-related developments.

Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn – Interview With Andrew Masanto & Conrad Whelan.

In the newest edition of “Around the Block With Jefferson Nunn,” Jefferson interviews Andrew Masanto & Conrad Whelan of Nillion.

Andrew Masanto is a co-founder of both Hedera Hashgraph and Reserve, two of the top 100 cryptocurrencies, and has recently co-founded NFT.com, a Web3, community-driven NFT marketplace that has many celebrity supporters behind it, along with co-founding Nillion, the first ever decentralized MPC network. Outside of web3, Andrew has also co-founded PetLabCo, the fastest growing pet health supplement company in America.

Conrad Whelan is the former Founding Engineer of Uber and is now the Founding CTO of Nillion. Conrad Whelean grew up in Calgary, Canada before moving to San Francisco to start Uber. He now lives in Amsterdam.