Key Points

  • Disney has reportedly created a task force to study how AI can be used to cut costs in the studio.
  • The development comes when Writers and Actors are on strike due to payment concerns and AI threats to their job security.

House of Mouse CEO Bob Iger has reportedly given the green light to create an AI task force to explore how AI can be used to cut costs in the company. The development comes at a time when the AI industry is blooming. Other companies like Netflix have also previously advertised for high-interest AI position(s).

Bob Iger brings together an AI task force as the WGA strike continues 

A Reuters report indicates that a popular entertainment studio, Disney Studios, has created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Taskforce to explore the best ways to employ the technology in edging out the competition, improving products, and cutting operational costs.

The report indicates that three insiders have vouched for the information, with one saying that competition is a key point in the recent decision by Disney that risks adding fuel to the continuing writers’ and actors’ strike. 

House of Mouse has 11 job openings that seek to add AI and machine learning knowledgeable persons to its team and serve in different company branches spanning Walt Disney Studios, engineering, and theme parks. 

Other studios like Netflix have also been advertising for highly paid AI-related positions, a key pressure point in the ongoing Hollywood strike involving anyone represented by the Screen Actors Guild, an American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. This strike seeks to add more revenue to the participants from the studios and ban the use of AI to safeguard their jobs; however, no real settlement has been reached yet.

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