
Passive income from NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) can be an exciting opportunity for individuals interested in the digital art and collectibles space. Here are some ways to potentially earn passive income from NFTs:

How to Make Money Passively from NFTs

  1. Royalties from Secondary Sales:
    Many NFT platforms allow creators to set royalties on their artwork, typically a percentage of the sale price they receive whenever the NFT is resold in the secondary market. By creating and selling NFTs with a resale royalty, you can earn passive income as your artwork appreciates in value and changes hands between collectors.
  2. Staking and Yield Farming:
    Some NFT platforms offer staking and yield farming opportunities where you can lock up your NFTs as collateral to earn additional tokens or rewards. These rewards can come in the form of native platform tokens, governance tokens, or other cryptocurrencies. Staking and yield farming can generate passive income based on the value and demand for the tokens you earn.
  3. Renting or Licensing NFTs:
    If you own valuable NFTs, you can explore renting or licensing them to other users. This allows individuals or businesses to use your NFTs for specific purposes or display them in virtual environments, and you can earn passive income through periodic rental fees or licensing agreements.
  4. Fractional Ownership:
    Fractional ownership platforms allow you to tokenize your NFTs and sell fractional shares to multiple investors. This enables you to earn passive income from the ongoing ownership and trading of these shares. As the NFT’s value increases, so does the value of the fractional shares, potentially generating passive income from capital appreciation.
  5. NFT Marketplaces and Affiliate Programs:
    Some NFT marketplaces offer affiliate programs where you can earn a commission by referring buyers or sellers to the platform. By sharing your affiliate link or referral code, you can earn passive income when others transact on the platform using your unique referral link.
  6. Curating or Managing NFT Collections:
    With the growing interest in NFTs, there is a need for skilled curators and managers who can create and maintain collections of NFTs. This could involve curating a collection of NFT artworks or managing a portfolio of NFTs for investors. You can earn passive income by charging fees for your curation or management services.
  7. Participating in NFT Pools or Funds:
    NFT investment pools or funds allow multiple individuals to pool their resources and invest in a diversified portfolio of NFTs. By contributing to these pools or funds, you can earn passive income based on the collective performance of the NFT assets held within the pool.
  8. Creating NFT-related Content:
    If you have knowledge and expertise in the NFT space, you can create educational content, tutorials, or guides related to NFTs. You can monetize this content through platforms like YouTube, podcasts, or creating paid courses or memberships, allowing you to earn passive income from the views, subscriptions, or course sales.
  9. NFT Gaming and Play-to-Earn Models:
    Some blockchain-based games incorporate NFTs and allow players to earn tokens or rewards by playing the game or completing certain tasks. These play-to-earn models provide opportunities to earn passive income by owning and utilizing NFTs within the game ecosystem.
  10. NFT Lending and Borrowing:
    Some platforms allow users to lend their NFTs to others in exchange for interest or lending fees. Alternatively, you can borrow NFTs for specific purposes and potentially earn income from the borrowed assets. This can be beneficial for individuals who own highly desirable NFTs and are looking to generate passive income from their holdings.


Remember, while these methods offer potential for passive income, they also carry risks and require careful research and consideration. The NFT market is highly dynamic and subject to volatility, so it’s important to assess the risks associated with each approach and make informed decisions based on your risk tolerance and investment goals.