Regulation refers to the set of rules and guidelines established by governments, organizations, or other regulatory bodies to control and oversee various aspects of society, including business, finance, healthcare, and the environment. The main goal of regulation is to protect consumers, ensure fair competition, and promote safety and stability in various industries.
CZ laments SEC’s attack on Crypto

CZ laments SEC’s attack on Crypto

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) has expressed concern with the U.S. SEC after it sued the U.S. installment of the exchange. This branch has been operating away from the international one offering lesser crypto assets to comply with the U.S. regulations.

Crypto regulation in Indonesia to include tourists

Crypto regulation in Indonesia to include tourists

Crypto regulation in Indonesia has taken a new turn as Bali Governor issues a stern warning to tourists who are using crypto assets as substitutes for money in the country. He hosted a press conference on May 28 explaining that the crypto remains illegal in the...

Trillion dollar coin: The new savior in the US debt crisis?

Trillion dollar coin: The new savior in the US debt crisis?

The Treasury has been weighing its options in the wake of the ongoing financial crisis with a trillion-dollar coin being in the cards. However, that move has not been welcomed by many as some nations are moving away from the US dollar which could lead to de-dollarisation and stripping off of its stature as the world reserve currency.