Key Points

  • European Union has passed the first regulatory framework for the artificial intelligence industry.
  • The law requires generative AI systems like GPT4 to be reviewed before commercial release. It also bans real-time facial recognition.
  • The development sets the bloc above most world governments and powers as the industry is newly formed and highly unregulated.

EU leads the world in regulating artificial intelligence by passing the first comprehensive set of regulations. The new rules will monitor how generative AI like GPT4 is built and released commercially. It will also bring users more protection, like inhibiting live recording, detailing, and other facial recognition systems.

Artificial intelligence gets regulated in the EU 

European Union spearheads Artificial Intelligence regulation worldwide as its parliament approves a landmark framework called EU AI Act. The framework becomes the first to go into effect in the West.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently become a main topic, with its risks being widely spoken about by people like Elon Musk. However, just because an innovation is risky doesn’t mean it should be banned. Otherwise, it could be rebuilt illegally and overrun the world later when we are not well prepared for it.

As such, lawmakers in different places, including the U.S., have drafted bills to make AI more friendly. This approach has been slow as only the European Union has managed to pass a regulatory bill through all legal processes required to make it a law. 

The bloc’s parliament voted on June 13, 2023, to adopt the EU AI Act with 499 votes in favor, 28 against it, and 93 abstentions. Though it passed through this crucial stage, it is still far from becoming law. 

The next stage is for negotiators at European Union institutions like the EU executive body and 27 member states. On Monday, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak boldly pitched to make the U.K. the “geographical home” of AI safety regulation as the nation heads to holding its first global AI safety summit later in the year.

Keep watching Fintech Express for updates on AI and other technology-related news and developments.