Key Points

  • India’s Prime Minister has confirmed the visit of Elon Musk to the country
  • The two had business deliberations geared towards economics and businesses to boost investment in the country.
  • Musk is looking forward to investing in the country. 

Elon Musk has met with India’s Narendra Modi for deliberations on business and investment opportunities as he gears up to invest in the country. The meeting occurred on June 21, 2023, days after he visited France, Italy, and China for similar purposes.

India wants Elon Musk to invest there

Tesla and Twitter CEO Elon Musk has confirmed visiting India to have talks with the serving Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He was on a business trip in the country that involved figuring out the available investment opportunities.

Word is out that Elon Musk is looking for a place to set up a new Tesla Gigafactory, preferably in Asian or European countries. Therefore, he has been visiting potential countries to build good business ties and evaluate the validity of his project there.

It doesn’t come without saying that countries also seek him to start his factories and invest with them. He was in France earlier this month for the VivaTech summit. He met with President Emanuel Macron and the Digital Minister during his visit. 

The Minister revealed that the country is seeking him to build his Tesla Gigafactory there, saying that the country is also investing in EV batteries and would welcome EV manufacturers there. The same case went for Italy’s Prime Minister, who met with him earlier this month to lure him into investing in the country.

Musk had also traveled to China to inspect the work in his installments in the country. Now, he is in India for a business trip. However, it doesn’t mention the wanting conditions of India’s infrastructure. 

Recently, a train accident happened, claiming the lives of hundreds. Now, observers were keen on the Tesla auto drive being implemented in the country. 

Some told Elon Musk that the congestion in the area could be a hindrance, but he brushed it off, saying that the cars are good and computers view obstacles and traffic via slow motion making them less risker.

However, no official information has been released on whether he will set up the next mega project there. Keep watching Fintech Express for updates on the top investors and other Fintech-related developments.