Key Points

  • The Decentralized Finance sector is performing well amid regulatory uncertainties.
  • DeFi tokens have shown some of the highest gains among other cryptos as regulators increase their oversight.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) tokens have posted strong gains amid increased regulatory oversight in the past 28 days. This trend shows that people turn to decentralized finance as a hedge against centralized oversight.

DeFi tokens performs well amid regulatory uncertainties

DeFi tokens have posted strong price gains over the past month as the crypto industry battles a hungrier regulatory whip. Regulators worldwide, including but not limited to UK FCA and the US SEC, have gone after crypto strongly in June and part of July, sending shivers down investors’ spines.

However, it seems the industry has found an alternative in the Decentralized Finance sector. The decentralized finance sector is where no one controls the governance of a protocol; thus, the governments find it hard to exert their power on the industry. As such, it is not usually affected by harsh regulations, and it benefits as investors take it as a hedge against tough regulatory oversight.

Over the past month, DeFi projects have shown one of the highest gains among other categories. RocketX Exchange +226.2%, Compound +150.2%, and SmarDex +95.5% are the most significant gainers over the past 30 days. At the same time, the category’s market cap and trading volume increased by 20.8% and 123%, respectively.

Keep watching Fintech Express for more updates on DeFi and other fintech-related