Key Points

  • US Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr has confirmed his support for Bitcoin again, saying that it prevents the manipulation of the Money Supply.
  • Robert F. Kennedy has been expressing support for Bitcoin throughout his campaign, saying that US citizens need the freedom to invest in assets of their choice.

In a June 28 tweet, Robert F. Kennedy Jr expressed that he would support Bitcoin and ensure that all US citizens have the right to hold their Bitcoin and make it inviolable. He added that it is a nice tool to save US citizens from totalitarianism and manipulation of the money supply.

US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr confirms his support of Bitcoin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a presidential candidate for the Democratic Party in the US and has come forwards so as not to be shaken by controversy. He recently challenged a debate on COVID vaccines and their effectiveness. He is also the first ever US president to accept Bitcoin donations for his campaigns.

He also has expressed his support for the world’s premier cryptocurrency, saying that US citizens deserve the right to hold and trade Bitcoin without government interference. On June 28, he posted a tweet reading.

“As president, I will ensure that your right to use and hold Bitcoin is inviolable. Bitcoin is not only a bulwark against totalitarianism and the manipulation of our money supply, and it points the way toward a future in which government institutions are more transparent and democratic.”

The tweet also came with a video that explained that his Bitcoin donations would be through the Lightning Network. He added that he would support people to own Bitcoin and holding their Keys like they hold keys for their cars and property. 

He added that he wants to help the Bitcoin community continue with the dream as long as they turn to carbon-free power supply methods like recycling and re-using power. He added that he, however, doesn’t believe that the environmental impacts of Bitcoin should be used as a smoke screen to bar people from using it.

He also hit back at the government for the weaponization of money, saying that Bitcoin fights against this and upholds the rights that US citizens have been given by their constitution to have freedom over their possessions. 

This development comes when lawmakers like Elizabeth Warren have called for an anti-crypto army to oppose the industry due to impacts on the environment and the dollar’s strength. In other news, regulators in the US are going hard after crypto industries without first putting workable regulatory frameworks.

However, only time will tell if the tide will change to pro-crypto in the country. Amid that, keep watching Fintech Express for updates on crypto and other Fintech-related stories.