Key Points

  • Biden’s administration has laid out new regulations to monitor Artificial Intelligence technology usage and safety within government organizations and agencies.
  • In the new rules, all agencies must establish specific safeguards for AI applications that could impact the safety of Americans or their rights.

The US government has increased its efforts to regulate Artificial Intelligence usage within it by releasing a set of new regulations that all its agencies must abide by. The administration has given them till December 1 to comply with the set regulations fully.

US government doubles down on Artificial Intelligence usage within its agencies

A March 28 White House Memorandum has come out alongside an inaugural comprehensive policy for managing risks associated with Artificial Intelligence Technology. The memo asks all federal agencies to appoint Chief AI officers, disclose all AI usages and integrate protective measures to control the use of AI within them.

These steps by Biden’s administration aim to ensure that the entire federal government remains safe in the wake of the fast-developing artificial technology innovations. It also seeks to foster the usage of Artificial Intelligence as it has become almost unavoidable now for use across different fields, including in federal agencies.

However, the US government remains adamant about the need to be cautious about the usage of AI technology within the country and its high ranks in public offices, particularly in the Department of Defense. 

This regulation is an initiative by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and is closely related to Joe Biden’s October 2023 Executive order on AI. In that Executive order, the US introduced six standards for AI safety and its ethical usage within the government. The standards were as follows.

1: All developers of the most powerful Artificial Intelligence systems share safety test results and critical information with the US government

2: National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop standardized tools and texts for ensuring AI’s safety

3: Protect against the risk of potential illegal bioengineering using AI

4: Working towards protection from AI-enabled fraud and deception

5: To build on the administration’s ongoing AI cyber challenge by advancing a cybersecurity program that can develop AI tools and fix vulnerabilities in critical software

6: Develop a national security memorandum to direct actions on AI security. 

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